Alan Wolman to Sunday Independent

I refer to the arms deal campaigner Terry Crawford-Browne’s ‘outrage’ published in The Sunday Independent last week, and outraged he should be.
Outraged at the military dictatorships of some of the countries surrounding Israel – Egypt after its Arab Spring has degenerated under its military dictatorship to an abysmal state as witnessed just this week.
Outraged at the outright terrorism and slaughter of over 3500 Syrians by their criminal president Assad.
Outraged at the corruption and assassinations in the West Bank and Gaza by the Palestinian leadership and their proxy thugs and the Lebanese governments apartheid treatment of its 400000 Palestinian population.
Outraged at the Iranian nuclear threat to the world and it’s despicable human rights record – stoning women to death for being victims of rape!!

Yet Crawford-Browne has the temerity to turn the truth on its head by pointing these rabid accusations at Israel.
Crawford-Browne disguises his ‘ugly hatred’ by shielding behind his token Jew and holocaust survivor Stephane Hessel who he claims is well qualified to judge Israel (Hessel, by his own admission has only visited there on very few occasions). Perhaps Crawford-Browne is not aware of the thousands of holocaust survivors still living who would challenge Mr. Hessle’s judgment and prove him wrong – perhaps Mr. Hessel would care to engage the Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel on the subject?
Perhaps both Crawford-Browne and Hessel would care to read the Op Ed by Judge Richard Goldstone just a few weeks back.
Mr. Crawford-Browne’s anti-Semitic venom manifests itself by his claims of teenage soldiers  humiliating Palestinian’s and the illegal theft of land and water by settlers etc but  stops just short of the age old blood libel of murdering Christian children for their blood to make matzo on Passover.

We do look forward, Mr. Crawford-Browne to seeing the Russell Tribunal on Iran, China, Syria or Egypt very soon….. but then again there are no Jews living there so why bother?

Victor Gordon in The Sunday Times





(Ref: “Israelno good example”) Mohammed Mia’s puerile attempt to delegitimiseIsrael’s economic achievements are enough to make the most ardent anti-Zionist blush. Clearly,Israelis incapable of anything without robbing, stealing and defiling the Palestinians in the process.


One can only wonder how this tiny nation of  7 million managed to swindle seven Nobel Prizes against an equal seven by 1.3 billion members of the Arab/Mulsim world. No wonder Mia finds this such a bitter pill to swallow.


Contrary to Mia’s fallacious claim that Israel restricts agricultural and industrial development in the Palestinian territories, he forgets that when Israel withdrew from Gaza she handed over a vibrant flower-growing industry complete with a modern network of hot-houses (paid for by American Jewish donors) together with an established export base of clients, only to have them smashed to pieces by their “grateful” recipients.


Prior to the launch of the second Intifada in 2000, economic growth in the West Bank reached an incredible 20% per annum due solely to co-operation between the Palestinians andIsrael. Post Intifada, it slumped drastically and unemployment reached unprecedented levels. WithIsrael’s cooperation, by 2010 it had grown back to 10%; one of the highest in the world.


The land currently owned byIsraelwas either granted  to her by the United Nations in 1947; purchased from the Arabs at the turn of the century or conquered following the War of Independence in 1948 after she was attacked by six Arab armies bent on her annihilation. This does not include the so-called “occupied territories” on theWest Bank. Since 2005,Gazahas been under full Palestinian control. This land was never “occupied (by the Palestinians) for centuries”, as claimed by Mia. The Palestinians only began to lay claim to the region following the Six Day War of 1967.


In mentioning the “billions of US dollars pumped intoIsrael’s economy” Mia ignores the billions donated to the Palestinians by theUS, the EU and various NGO’s, estimated to be over 7 billion between 2007 and 2008 alone. Sadly, due to corruption, theft and mismanagement there is precious little to show for it.


If Mia were to fly over the region he would see a green garden on one side (Israel) and a bare patch of dust on the other. The garden was not acquired by donation – it came with blood, sweat and tears.

Monessa Shapiro in Cape Times

Mervyn Bennun in his opinion piece “Are Jews and Arabs in Israel free to mix?”   bases his entire argument that they are not on a court –case ruling  where a Palestinian man was found guilty of rape after having had sex with a Jewish woman without telling her that he was married and Palestinian. 


In basing his argument on this case he fails to accept that this was one judge’s interpretation of a law that contains no racist connotations whatsoever.  South Africa’s Immorality Act forbade by law sexual relations between members of two racial groups.  Does Bennun honestly not know that there is no law in Israel forbidding sexual relations between Arab and Jew?  Does he not know that there are Arabs and Jews living in Israel married to each other?


Notwithstanding the above, rape, and the proving of rape is under many circumstances difficult.  And so because Israel has a free, independent judiciary, available to all, Kushour , had he so wished, would have been able to appeal Judge Segal’s findings.   Arabs are equal citizens in Israel; in fact an Arab judge sentenced  ex-Israeli President Katsav to jail for rape.


Bennun may be interested to know that even in South African law, sexual intercourse in certain fraudulent circumstances may also be considered rape; R versus C 1952 (4)SA 1170.


Don Krausz in the Star

Nazir Ahmed Osman’s letter of 14 November refers.


There are so many untruths and distortions in his letter that one hardly knows where to begin.


As at 2008 there were one million Arabs living in Israel, besides 700,000 other non-Jews who have shown no desire to flee from Osman’s apartheid state. By contrast, we often read in the press of Moslem refugees from Darfur and other African states who risk their lives by crossing the Sudan and Egyptian-controlled Sinai desert in order to reach Israel and, we may assume, a better life.


According to Osman these one million Palestinians and Bedouin resident in Israel are the pitiful remnants that managed to survive the 1948 and onwards Israeli persecutions, expulsions and massacres as is only to be expected in apartheid Israel.


In his letter Ivor Davis wrote that the aforementioned one million Palestinians are living in Israel by choice. To Osman that constitutes no proof of a lack of apartheid. So does that mean that Palestinians given the choice will prefer to live under apartheid? If so, then what is Osman complaining about?


I would hate to have Osman teaching history. Any intelligent and educated person knows that history is the record of cause and effect. Germany bombs London and Coventry and the British destroy Hamburg and Dresden. A treacherous attack on PearlHarbour results in two atom bombs on Japan.


Describing the aforementioned events and omitting the causative factors will not teach other generations or nations the lessons that we all have to learn. But what source can one believe? Osman has already proved with his letter that truth is not one of his priorities, so why should anyone believe me?


So I will quote from a supposedly neutral source, the British Encyclopaedia (BE):


Page 419. 1937, the British Peel commission recommends partition.

Page 420.  1947, the UN General Assembly recommends partition by a two thirds majority. The Zionists welcome it, the Palestinians oppose and attack Israelis.

The Arab League pledges support for the Palestinians and bring in foreign volunteers.

May 14 1948. The British leave Palestine and the State of Israel is declared. On the same day units of the regular armies of Syria, Transjordan, Iraq and Egypt invade Israel.

(Azzam Pasha, the Arab League secretary, declares: “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.”)

Page 421. 1,770,000 Palestinians fled the fighting to neighbouring territories.

The BE does not mention any use of force to induce these Palestinians to flee.

It is thought that the Palestinians may well have feared that Azzam Pasha’s threat of annihilation could be turned against them by the victorious Israelis.


In revenge for their defeat by the despised Jews, Arab states attacked, dispossessed and expelled about 617,000 of their Jewish citizens, some of whom had lived in these Moslem countries since the days of Nebuchadnezzar.


Would you like me to continue, Mr. Osman?


Don Krausz in the Cape Times

Moira Levy’s article of 8-11-2011 in the CapeTimes headed “Never again can we allow persecution” refers.


Your article saddens me. You write that you knew nothing about what happened in Israel post 1948. If you were to delve a little further you will find that you have many family connections that played their part in building the state of Israel.


Many emanated from the ghettos and suffered the discrimination and pogroms of Eastern European Jewry.


You state that this made you question everything that you had understood about being Jewish. And what did you understand about being Jewish? And all that your child was taught about Israel was the assumed expulsion of Palestinians?


If so, I suggest that you explain to your children that in revenge for their defeat, the surrounding Arab countries attacked, dispossessed and expelled more than 600,000 of their Jewish citizens, many of whom had lived there since the time of Nebuchadnezzar.

And to where could the majority of these expelled Jews flee? What was the only country prepared to accept them, in spite of its own ghastly losses during the unprovoked Palestinian and Arab attack? Israel.


Do you now see what role Israel is forced to play since the Holocaust? Do you and your children know of the rescue by Israel of the Yemenite and Ethiopian Jews, of it providing a safe haven for the tiny remnant of Poland’s Jews who found they again faced anti-Semitism and massacre after the war? Or the approximately one million Russian Jews that were able to depart from the land of their birth and Stalin’s Gulag. Have your children been informed of the world-renowned Israeli rescue of hostages at Entebbe?


The Russell Tribunal produced witnesses who testified to the Palestinians having been driven from their homes, presumably in 1948. Did these witnesses also testify to the attacks by these Palestinians as well as the armies of seven Arab states on Israel one day after its founding?


Did they mention the declaration of Assam Pasha, the secretary of the Arab League:

“This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of

like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades?”


Did the Tribunal produce evidence that in 1948 the Jewish population of Palestine numbered about 600,000 men, women and children of which 6,000 (1%) were killed or massacred in the Arab/Palestinian onslaught? That is equivalent to South Africa losing 500,000 of its citizens. And if the South Africans then said: “Never Again!” would you blame them?


Was evidence led of the flight of the majority of Palestinians who feared that the Jews would inflict the same slaughter and atrocities on them as they had perpetrated and prepared for the Jews? That was how most of the Palestinian refugee problem arose!


You have devoted much space to lauding the Russell Tribunal and its members.

I regret that you did not include the highly qualified Justice Richard Goldstone’s opinion as published in the New York Times on 1-11-2011:


“One particularly pernicious and enduring canard that is surfacing again is that Israel pursues “apartheid” policies. In Cape Town starting on Saturday, a London-based NGO called the Russell Tribunal on Palestine will hold a “hearing” on whether Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid. It is not a “tribunal.” The “evidence” is going to be one-sided and the members of the “jury” are critics whose harsh views of Israel are well known.


While “apartheid” can have broader meaning, its use is meant to evoke the situation in pre-1994 South Africa. It is an unfair and inaccurate slander against Israel, calculated to retard rather than advance peace negotiations.”


Thanks for reminding your readership about Kristall Nacht. I hope that it was not your intention to equate that atrocity with what you suggest is happening in Palestine. The Jews of Germany did not attack and plunder their neighbours nor did they kill one percent of all Christians in Europe.


The Holocaust was the result of a systematic and meticulous plan to murder eleven million Jewish men, women and children. The situation in Palestine has been described by some very strange individuals as a Holocaust. Can you present one shred of evidence that this was intended or inflicted on the Palestinians?


Next we are confronted by his eminence Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who expressed “anguish” at the sight of security walls and checkpoints. Would it not have lessened the poor old man’s suffering if the Tribunal had been told that said security walls had lived up to their name by reducing the incidence of suicide bombing against Israeli civilians to

ten percent ?


Or that the searches at the highly inconvenient checkpoints had largely stopped the smuggling into Israel of terrorists, explosives and weapons?


Or that the separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians are not intended as proofs of apartheid, but have practically eliminated the horror of drive-by shootings of civilians of all ages and genders?


Justice Richard Goldstone made some interesting comments in his NYT article. He stated:

“In Israel there is no apartheid. Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute:


“Inhumane acts…committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”


One must remember that Israel is dealing with adherents to Jihad, where the end justifies the means, all for the greater glory of God. That is probably the only way in which we can come to terms with a person murdering a Jewish family of parents and three children, cutting the throat of a three-month old baby and then expressing no remorse. Even more horrifying is to learn that when this news reaches the streets of Gaza, it is celebrated by dancing in the streets and the distributing of sweets.


We have been told about the Holocaust which was meticulously planned by Nazism’s top functionaries at the Wannsee Conference and then celebrated over cognac and cigars. I have no doubt that these planners did not have one good thing to say about Jewish men, women and children. And I am sure that the members of this Tribunal that were listed by Moira Levy would have the same attitude to Israelis.


Their hatred of Israel blinds them and makes them incapable of understanding the background, despair and pain that gives rise to the phrase “Never Again!”


For years the world watched as Jews were being persecuted and murdered. At the Evian Conference of 1938 representatives of the civilised nations of the world discussed the plight of the Jews. Only the Dominican Republic was then prepared to open its doors to the refugees.


Israel has learned its lesson – it cannot rely on anyone else but its own. If it does, then the circumstances that led to the phrase Never Again may repeat themselves. Its priority must be the safety of its Jews. It is the only country in the world that can be relied upon to ensure this safety, even if that inconveniences those that could pose a threat to it.


Allan Wolman in The Times


Yet again your newspaper never disappoints when it come to taking another low shot at Israel.
Zapiro’s cartoon epitomizes your subliminal condemnation of Israel this time through its Prime Minister who was the brunt of a most scurrilous, undiplomatic and un presidential exchange between the leaders of two of the West’s great powers. Your editorial slant through your cartoonist has again turned the truth on its head and branded the victim in this exchange as the villain.
These two presidents both of whom have led their constituents down the path of broken promises (or some might call it lies) had an exchange about a man that they shake hands with and discuss – no coerce to make perilous concessions in the name of peace in order for them to look good in the eyes of the world as the great peacemakers.
This callous exchange between men of the caliber of Obama and Sarkozy should be condemned at the highest level and not turned into yet another lie by your cartoonist

Don Krausz in The Times

Anna Majavu’s front page article of 8 November in The Times refers.


The article describes an appeal made to President Zuma to protect Haneen Zoabi, an MP for Israel’s Balad Party, from being stripped of her Israeli citizenship.


Haneen Zoabi testified at the Russell Tribunal that Israel is racist and I am grateful to Majavu for proving that Israel is not. In almost any other South Mediterranean country Zoabi would be arrested, tried for treason, and punished accordingly, if not executed or lynched. Can you see Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia or Yemen tolerating such lack of loyalty on the part of an MP?


The worst that Zoabi can expect in a democracy is that her own party disowns and expels her.


Haneen Zoabi is not Jewish. If she is an Arab, then her parliamentary membership proves that Israel cannot be racist and has the tolerance to allow its erstwhile enemies to participate in the democratic governing of the country, despite the manifold threats and continuing attacks against it from Arabs.


Zoabi told The Times: “Any Israeli citizen who talks about full national and civic rights for the Palestinians is normally targeted.”


Of course he is. A Democracy has a free press and a multiparty parliament. One may say or write what ever one wishes and those that disagree with you can do the same.


The article quotes a “jurist and veteran British lawyer Michael Mansfield” as stating that the system used to govern Palestinians amounts to apartheid. The eminent South African justice of the Constitutional Court and head of the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict, Richard Goldstone, states that there is no apartheid in Palestine and that to allege otherwise is slander.


There would be two systems of law in Palestine. The population consists of Israelis who conquered the territory after Israel was attacked in 1967 and Palestinians. As there is no peace agreement between the two, the Israelis would be subject to Israeli law and the Palestinians to military law. It is also perfectly lawful for Israel to occupy the territory. Under international law the attacked country may occupy the land of the attacker until a peace treaty is signed. In 1967 Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Egypt and Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel, resulting in Israel returning the whole of the occupied Sinai to Egypt and establishing commercial cooperation with Jordan.


There have been numerous attempts by Israel to negotiate a peace treaty with the Palestinians, all to no avail. At the Camp David 2000 Summit and subsequent Taba talks

Israel offered to return 95% of Palestine subject to certain conditions. At Camp David Yasser Arafat rejected the offer, leading President Clinton to blame Arafat for the failure.


Monessa Shapiro in The Times

Dear President Zuma


I would never have thought to write to you knowing how busy you are with all South Africa’s problems – education, health, housing, unemployment – not to mention the problems of our neighbours, especially Zimbabwe.


I did see though that you have been asked today, in a front-page article of The Times, to intervene in Israel’s domestic affairs.  Once you are about to get involved in the Middle East, could I as a South African Jew, ask an enormous favour of you?


Do you think that you could ask Hamas to desist in its acts of terror against the civilian population of Israel?  Do you know that in the month of October alone some 80 rockets and missiles fell on towns and cities in the South of Israel – rockets aimed intentionally at men, women, and children?   People have 15 seconds to run to an air-raid shelter when the sirens go off.  Imagine living under such continual trauma.  Perhaps too, you should suggest to Hamas, that they remove from their charter the fact that they do not recognize Israel, and the fact that they advocate that Jews everywhere  be killed.


And while you are about it, could you ask Abbas to stop educating the Palestinian children living in the West Bank to hate and kill Jews?   Maybe you could offer him some of our delightful children’s programmes rather than the pernicious ones, calling for martyrdom and the destruction of Israel, that little Palestinian children watch.  After all, if he wants a state next to the Jewish state he should begin to educate his citizens in the ways of good neighbourliness.  What a win it would be if you could persuade him to go to the negotiating table with Israel, without preconditions, and with the real desire to achieve peace.


I am really sorry to worry you, President Zuma, with matters from so far a-field but thank you none-the-less.


Monessa Shapiro

Monessa Shapiro in Business Day

Wow!  I never thought that I would ever see this!  Your cartoonist, Brandan Reynolds, has indeed reached rock-bottom with his cartoon about the nuclear weapons, and in carrying such a cartoon so unfortunately has your newspaper.  Cartoons make use of satire as a means of conveying their messages – they are meant to teach lessons and to present the cartoonist’s version of the truth in a humorous, tongue-in-cheek manner.


Israel is the only country in the world that has its existence questioned.  Israel is the only country in the world that is the recipient of threats to wipe it off the map of the world.  And yet your cartoonist has the audacity and malice to suggest that Israel is about to use nuclear weapons while Iran plays meekly and innocently with toys.


What a wicked inversion of the truth.  The pernicious lies and distortions surrounding  Israel are too numerous to mention.  Is it the aim of your cartoonist to add yet another?


Monessa Shapiro

Allan Wolman in The Independent

In keeping with The Independent Group’s policy of bias against Israel it is not surprising that the Weekend Argus chose to publish a report by Bianca Capazorio entitled “Goldstone a liar – Gaza lawyer”
The subject itself has been regurgitated all to often to the point of monotony yet your paper will never pass up the opportunity to further demonize Israel and this report is no exception where your editor hides behind a “Gaza lawyer”, but fails to comment on the farce which is taking place in Cape Town under the guise of a “tribunal”, an “international peoples court.”
Here we have an assembly of like-minded people playing out a pantomime of lies and fabrications with all kinds of accusations that remain unchallenged, as the ‘tribunal’ will not allow any voice for cross-examination of dissenting opinion. Now if your paper could give any credibility to something like this and even report on it is beyond understanding – yes fine let people speak out as they wish but at the same time allow the right of reply or challenge which is denied here!
Richard Goldstone who’s international reputation speaks for itself is now called a liar by some nondescript little lawyer from Gaza, and this makes headlines in your publication which proves beyond doubt your bias. Your editor of course also ignores an article by Benjamin Pogrund (former editor of The Rand Daily Mail and one of the foremost anti-apartheid activist under the old regime in S.Africa) who also repudiates the apartheid slur against Israel.
Perhaps sir in the interest of your readership your newspaper would gain some propriety if it were seen to show even a modicum of impartiality regarding Israel.
Allan Wolman