Victor Gordon to The Witness




Refers: “Protest: Youth Leagues Condemn ‘Illegal’ Occupation of Gaza”


The protest on the first day of the BRICS Summit outside Durban’s International Convention Centre by 250 members of the ANC Youth League, Young Communist League and SASCO, clearly illustrates how misinformed and misguided these groups are when it comes to the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

Their banners, which  decried Israel’s “ ‘illegal’ occupation of parts of the West Bank and Gaza” reveal their blissful ignorance of the fact that Israel ended its ‘occupation’ of Gaza in 2005 leaving it completely “judenrein” (free of Jews).

Insofar as the West Bank is concerned, Israel would end its partial presence there as well were it to feel confident that  the region would not become a second launching pad for thousands of rockets as occurred with newly- freed Gaza.

It has obviously not occurred to these deep-thinking ‘activists’ that, other than her essential security, Israel has little to gain from maintaining a presence in the West Bank, an area devoid of natural resources, a population largely dependent on foreign aid and seemingly little common sense when it comes to working towards a goal of future growth and stability. In fact, the West Bank offers far more problems and a far greater drain on Israel’s resources than anything positive.

If the ANCYL et al, can’t even get its basic facts straight, what contribution can they offer to the attainment of future peace in a region that they claim to care so deeply about – or is peace not their actual agenda?

Don Krausz responds to Allistair Sparks in the Business Day

To the Editor,


It is always fascinating to watch Mr. Sparks emulating Horatio Nelson’s tradition of putting a telescope to his blind eye in order to see only what he wants to see.

He is perfectly entitled to his opinions. He is aware that others have different opinions. So surely he has an obligation to provide some substantiation for what he says instead of just expecting us to take him at his word?

He states that Israel is cutting “the putative Palestinian state in two” through settlement expansion. Israel denies this and points to a highway that bypasses the proposed section E-one, links north and south and is open to Palestinian traffic.

He complains of the restrictions placed on Palestinians seeking to enter Israeli territory. Obviously he is keeping very quiet about the Palestinian terrorist attacks and suicide bombings on Israeli civilians that over the years have taken the lives of thousands of men, women and children. Neither will he acknowledge the Palestinian veneration of such monsters or the call in Moslem scripture and its incorporation into the Hamas Charter to “obliterate Israel’ and kill Jews . (Page One and Article 7)

True or false, Mr. Sparks?

In time-honoured fashion he refers to settlements and Israeli apartheid. Yet with his detailed knowledge of the Middle East situation, the hatred spewing from Moslem pulpits, in the Arab press and in Moslem schools from kindergarten upwards as well as the Palestinian leadership, he must be aware that settlements and apartheid are RED HERRINGS to beguile the ignorant and unthinking. The crux of the matter is religious – they cannot tolerate Jews in the Middle East and won’t allow them within their borders as spelt out in the Hamas Charter and on the maps of the region produced by the Palestinian Authority which curiously do not display the fact that Israel has been in existence since 1948.

Yet it is Israel that is accused of practicing apartheid.

If it were really true that the dispute hinges on the Palestinians having their own state, then why did they not accept such a state when it was offered to them at the same time that Israel was established?

In 1948 they conquered East Jerusalem. The West Bank was under Jordanian rule and Gaza under Egyptian rule from 1948 until 1967, nineteen years. If the problem was that the Palestinians did not have a state of their own, then surely the Arabs had ample time and opportunity to convert the aforementioned territories into a Palestinian state?

Could it be that the emphasis on both a state and apartheid were only for keeping the emotions boiling?

Would Mr. Sparks please provide proof for his statement that 1.2 million are second-class citizens in Israel? They have achieved positions from Miss Israel to judgeships in the Supreme Court right up to deputy Prime Minister. No doubt some bright spark will state that this was done to fool the world.

If so, can Mr. Spark provide examples in the Arab world where Palestinian refugees have gained such positions of eminence?

Victor Gordon responds to the MRN’s Aayesha Soni




Anyone familiar with my letter, “Apartheid demands the total absence of democracy” (12/3/13) will realize that the counter argument presented by Aayesha J Soni (“Apartheid, racism and bias thrive in Israel, Mr. Gordon”) is not only spurious but simply reinforces my original views.

In support of my claim that Israel qualifies as a truly free democracy, I quoted the conclusions (and offered the website) of the non-political think-tank, “Freedom House” (FH), regarded as the benchmark for ratings of this nature. The fact that Ms. Soni took the trouble to examine this NGO’s comprehensive report on Israel (  is gratifying, particularly as thereon her counter-claims were based. However, where she failed was to produce these quotations in neither their proper context nor full form.

I quote:

SONI:  “Imagine a modern apartheid state with first, second and 11th class citizens, all required to carry identification specifying their ethnic origin.”

FH:  “Arabs enjoy equal political rights under the law but face discrimination in practise. Before 2005, Israeli identity cards classified residents by their ethnicity. After 2005, Jewish Israelis can often be identified by the inclusion of their Hebrew birth date…. In a landmark case in 2011, an Israeli Jew won the right to exclude his Hebrew birth date from his ID card.”

CONTEXT:  This, Ms. Soni, hardly supports your contention that Israel has 1st and 2nd class citizens. The carrying of ethnically defined ID documents ended in 2005. As for “11th” class citizens (presumably the Palestinians) it is so ridiculous a classification that it warrants no response.

SONI:  “First class citizens are obliged to serve in the armed forces and (are) afforded housing, medical aid, social security, educational and related benefits denied to all others. Second class citizens are exempted from military service and from several benefits accorded first class citizens.”

CONTEXT:  You present this as some sort of proof of apartheid where, quite obviously, the benefits listed are tied directly to the sacrifices and inherent dangers associated with military service. The IDF is a citizen army which demands a level of commitment unlike that of any other defence force. Those who serve, including Israeli Arabs who volunteer, are rewarded with certain benefits. Under the existing circumstances, the forced inclusion of Arabs in the IDF would pose an obvious security risk.

SONI:  “Arab citizens of Israel receive inferior education, housing and social services relative to the Jewish population. A 2010 report by the (pro-Arab) NGO Mosawa, said  that  Arab Israelis own only 3.5 percent of the land in Israel and (receive) 3 to 5 percent of government spending, figures challenged by the government.” 

FH:  “Primary and secondary education is universal, with instruction for the Arab minority based on the common curriculum … but conducted in Arabic.” … “School quality is generally worse in mostly Arab municipalities” … “Israel’s universities are open to all students (including those from the West Bank and Gaza)  based on merit” …

CONTEXT:   In 2010 the Israeli government implemented a $214 million investment plan to improve housing, transportation and economic infrastructure in 12 Arab communities.”

SONI:  “They (Arab Israelis) are issued ID’s and licence plates so police can profile them at a distance”

CONTEXT:  This is simply not true! An independent report by Nigel Parry ( refers:

“The standard Israeli-issued licence plate for cars owned by Israeli citizens is yellow. This includes everyone with an ID card saying that they are an Israeli citizen, i.e. Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs… The yellow licence plate does not show which area the owner of the car lives in or what race the owner is”

SONI: Second class citizens may not own land in much of the country and marriages between them and first-class citizens are not recognized by the state. A 2003 law denies citizenship and residency status to West Bank or Gaza residents married to Israeli citizens … the measure that effects about 15000 couples was criticised as blatantly discriminatory.”

CONTEXT: For purely religious considerations Israel does not recognise marriages between Jews and non-Jews unless conducted abroad.  What Ms. Soni ignores is that approximately 14% of suicide bombers acquired Israeli identity cards via family reunification laws. Yet, under the 1948 Law of Return where Jewish immigrants are granted Israeli citizenship and residence rights, others may still apply for these rights which may or may not be granted. This is no different from the vast majority of other countries.

Land ownership:  The State owns 93 percent of the land in Israel. 13% is owned by the Jewish National Fund. What Ms. Soni again ignores is that in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled that the JNF could no longer market property only to Jews. Attempts by the Knesset to overturn this ruling were unsuccessful.

Ms. Soni’s disparaging accusations are either devoid of context, slanted, or designed to mislead. While Israel’s policies are open to criticism they are generally part and parcel of ensuring security in a situation that the  Soni’s of this world will never experience. 

Don Krausz to The Star

To the Editor,


            Re: Apartheid in Israel.


            I have sent you today under separate cover a photo and article describing the appointment of a Ethiopian Jewish girl as Miss Israel 2013.


            So much for apartheid in that country!


            I have no doubt that the fanatics and brain(?)less of the BDS crowd and the Media Review Network will proclaim this as a propaganda and publicity stunt.

Just like the facts that Freedom House, the authoritative and independent think tank established by Eleanor Roosevelt, recognised Israel as a “true democracy in every sense of the term,” or the fact that “all ethnic groups, including Arab Israelis, in Israel are represented in the Israeli parliament.

The Israeli Arabs have 14 members represented by 5 political parties in that institution, while Arab judges to the level of the Supreme Court serve in its courts.” Israeli Arabs have access to exactly the same public and government facilities as any other Israeli, perhaps with the exception of Chief of the Armed Forces….Yes, and they are not assigned to separate beaches, entrances, lifts or toilets.


I could go on adding to that list but note that Victor Gordon in his response to Firoz Osman has already made a comprehensive summary thereof.


If Israel is trying to copy apartheid South African style, it is not making a very good job of it, lies not withstanding.

Monessa Shapiro responds to Janet Smith

We all knew that Israel Apartheid Week would come and with it all the vitriol and hatred directed towards the State of Israel.  We expected the Firoz Osmans of the world to sprout their lies and quote their ‘eminent’ Israelis.  We were also reasonably sure that there would be some students who have nothing better to do than lie sprawled on the ground in major protest against the iniquitous Jewish State; not against Syria, mind you, where 70,000 plus people have been killed by their own  government in just on two years.


What I did not anticipate was a journalist of supposed integrity, Janet Smith, from a supposedly responsible newspaper, penning a message overflowing with subliminal nefarious hints and innuendos.  You speak of a table called Truth, Ms Smith.  Let’s take a look at the truth.


Israel is a democracy where every single citizen, Jew and Arab alike, has complete equality, with equal access to the rule of law, equal access to education and medicine, and complete religious freedom.  There are Arab judges and Arab members of parliament.  Sounds a lot like the Apartheid South Africa I remember, does it Ms Smith?


A further truth is that since its establishment in 1948 on a tiny slither of desert land, 1/6th of 1/10th the land mass of the Arab world, its neighbours have been intent on destroying it.  A truth you conveniently forget is that in 1948 the Palestinians could have had their own state: Palestine was divided into a Jewish state and an Arab state.  But like those enlightened youngsters from the BDS movement, the Arabs did not want any Jews in their midst so they tried to destroy them, and some 65 years later that is what they are still doing.  Perhaps you should read the Hamas Charter, listen to Ahmadinejad, or simply watch some Palestinian children’s television presented with the sanction of the Palestinian Authority.


Like you Ms Smith, I and most Israelis (including Benjamin Netanyahu, who you accuse of perpetuating hate – of course there is no hate perpetuated by Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh) would like to see peace in the region and  an end to the conflict.   Any tangible suggestions how you would deliver this, Ms Smith?  You see, accusing only one side and supporting a campaign like the BDS who openly advocate one state, and who refuse dialogue and debate does nothing to help.  By the way, Ms Smith, the one truth of your piece is to be found in the heading.    There is certainly Apartheid in Palestine.  Gaza had to be made “judenfrei” before handing it over to the Palestinians and Mahmoud Abbas has stated categorically that no Jew will be welcome in a Palestinian state.  

Felicia Levy to The Star

The Star.

Letters Edit or .


In January this year, the Freedom House rep or t, which ranks the w or ld’s countries by political rights and civil liberties, named Israel as the only “free” country in the Middle East . It is theref or e not surprising, that Dr. Osman ((The Star January 2013), draws attention to the fact that Arab Israelis have the right to vote. He omitted however, to add that in Israel , freedom of expression, association and assembly are respected and upheld by an independent judiciary, as is freedom of religion. Primary and secondary education is universal and universities are open to all Israeli students regardless of religion, gender or ethnicity. Israeli Arabs serve as supreme court judges, profess or s, doct or s and members of parliament. They represent Israel in song festivals, football matches, and serve as ambassad or s in numerous countries.

Apartheid? Really Doct or Osman!

An open Letter to the ANC Youth League, by Victor Gordon

Mr. Abner Mosaase (International Secretary of the ANC Youth League)


Dear Abner,

I refer to the notice put out by the ANC Youth League in support of Israel Apartheid Week and ask you to kindly examine my comments below in RED.


Message of Support from the ANC Youth League on the launch of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in South Africa


Message of Support from the ANC Youth League on the launch of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in South Africa

– Delivered by Abner Mosaase (International Secretary of the ANC Youth League)

– 10 March 2012


The African National Congress Youth League joins progressive voices in marking the 9th International Israeli (Not “Israeli”, Abner, but “Israel”. Israeli implies that it originates from Israel which couldn’t be further from the truth)  Apartheid Week (IAW) campaign. Our support and endorsement of this campaign is in light of our conviction that indeed the Israeli regime is guilty of the crime of apartheid. We are also convinced that the Israeli version of apartheid is much brute in its force (Sorry Abner, but may I respectfully suggest “much more brutal” …? )  than we could have ever imagined the South African version to be.

Israel’s usage of brute force in the form of bombs, its ability to end huge numbers of innocent lives in the name of defending itself against liberation fighters is one example of the many ways in which it is worse than apartheid South Africa. The successive government of Afrikaner nationalists, from Malan to De Klerk, never dropped bombs Townships even when they knew that armed cadres of different military wings of liberation forces were amongst the people. Naming liberation fighters terrorists is an old trick in the book of oppressive regimes, this will not deter us seeing that Israel’s warmongering and disregard Palestinian life is in the extreme.


(Well, where do we start … Tell me , Abner, do you know anything at all about the history of this conflict? Do you know when and how it started, the promises made to the Jewish people of a homeland of their own going back as far as 1917 and how and why these promises were broken? Do you know anything about the 3000 years of history that ties the Jewish people to this region and the manner in which they were scattered by, first, the Babylonians and then by the Romans? What do you know about contemporary history  like how the so-called June 4th 1967 “borders” (which aren’t borders at all but merely armistice lines) came into force and which have never been negotiated into formal borders? What do you know of UN Resolution 242 and its implications with regard to all parties concerned?


No mention have you made, Abner, of the Palestinian’s use of thousands upon thousands of rockets, mortars and missiles (estimated at over 12,000 in a matter of eight years), all aimed at civilian towns in Southern Israel, generally launched at a time when children would be on their way to school, while, during Israel’s last incursion into Gaza, missiles easily reached as far as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.


All that appears to concern you, Abner,  are Israeli “bombs” which are in actual fact hi-tech missiles designed to home in on their target with such accuracy as to reduce collateral damage to its very minimum. Had Israel indiscriminately dropped bombs during it last incursion into Gaza, do you not think, Abner,  that the number of deaths would have far exceeded 140, most of whom were Hamas fighters? In contrast, does it not trouble you that President Bashir al-Assad of Syria has killed over 70,000 of his citizens during the past two years?  If so why don’t you say so?


“Bombs” simply don’t figure when Israel attacks areas in which civilians shelter. Indeed, Israel has the ability to “end huge numbers of innocent lives in the name of defending itself”, Abner, which makes one wonder why it hasn’t used this enormous military advantage to simply bomb Gaza and the West Bank to smithereens!  I’m sure you would appreciate how easily this could be accomplished were Israel that way inclined. I have no doubt that given the opportunity, this would be the strategy of the Arabs who have openly voiced this desire many times in the past.


But what all this has to do with Apartheid, Abner, is a total mystery and shows scant understanding by the Youth League of a system with which you claim such familiarity. Your statement …


Israel’s usage of brute force in the form of bombs, its ability to end huge numbers of innocent lives in the name of defending itself against liberation fighters is one example of the many ways in which it is worse than apartheid South Africa.


… reveals a total lack of understanding of the very issue – namely, your claim that Israel is an apartheid state. On the one hand you talk about a system designed to keep different racial groups apart (apartheid), while on the other you compare it to a legitimate military action taken against Hamas terrorists, (recognised as such by the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the USA), who have indiscriminately attacked innocent civilians through a variety of means including suicide bombings, ambushes, drive-by shootings, home invasions and rocket launchings, to name just some.  These despicable actions you then refer to as being those of “liberation fighters” while you cynically decry Israel’s acts of self defence.  In your desperate attempt to tie Israel’s actions of self-defence to apartheid, you then cite this self defence as being worse than apartheid!  How is it possible to compare the two?  If apartheid can legitimately be compared to a war of self-defence, where does fact, common sense and moral equivalence begin and end?


Israel’s usage of brute force …. is one example of the many ways in which it is worse than apartheid South Africa.


I refer once again to this paragraph with a question: You state that Israel’s use of “brute force” is one of the many ways in which it is worse than apartheid South Africa.  What are some of the many other ways, Abner … I’m curious to know.



The successive government of Afrikaner nationalists, from Malan to De Klerk, never dropped bombs in Townships even when they knew that armed cadres of different military wings of liberation forces were amongst the people. Naming liberation fighters terrorists is an old trick in the book of oppressive regimes, this will not deter us in seeing that Israel’s warmongering and disregard of Palestinian life is in the extreme.


The Nationalist government never dropped bombs on townships, Abner, because, unlike Hamas, the black population never gave them cause to do so. Yet, ironically, the bombings that did occur during those dark days in our history did, in fact, originate from the ANC and not the Nationalist government! Other than some other insignificant acts of sabotage that took place every now and then, the Nationalists never had to contend with a single missile, randomly fired at a town, never mind the 12,000 that Israel has had to endure over the past eight years. Compared to Hamas and Hezbollah, the ANC acted with a unique sense of honour.


But while we’re discussing “bombs”, Abner, should we not refer to the epidemic of suicide bombings perpetrated by the Palestinians against Israeli civilians which caused the deaths of well over 1200 victims? Has Israel ever carried out any similar actions against the Palestinians?


Had this occurred in South Africa, I have little doubt that the reaction would have been as that of any other government responsible for the safety of its citizens.  We can only imagine the outcome.


Naming liberation fighters terrorists is an old trick in the book of oppressive regimes, this will not deter us in seeing that Israel’s warmongering and disregard of Palestinian life is in the extreme.


If naming liberation fighters, ‘terrorists’, is an “old trick”, Abner, so is naming terrorists, ‘freedom fighters’. The difference lies in the cause.  We must ask ourselves whether the cause is just and whether the methods employed to achieve its goals are acceptable.


When you attack a sovereign state at the very moment of its legal creation and then persist in doing so for over 70 years, simply because you don’t wish to share even a sliver of the territory that you erroneously and selfishly regard as belonging to you alone, your  cause is not just.


When 3000 years of indisputable history endorses the claim of the new State to that sliver of land and you ignore these historic facts, your cause is not just. 


When the San Remo Conference of 1920, the League of Nations in 1922 and the United Nations in 1947 all endorse the legitimacy of the Jewish claim to sovereignty over this sliver (which has never been abrogated) and you still choose to ignore this, your cause is not just.


When the safety of the new-comer’s citizens is of no regard and not a word of criticism is levelled against those who kill and maim using so-called martyrs who blow themselves up in buses, pizza parlours and Passover Seders, your cause is not just.


When you rely on the anti-Israel resolutions adopted by the UN Human Rights Council to add weight to your argument but neglect to mention that the vast majority of its members are comfortable critics of the Jewish State (ensuring an automatic majority), your cause  is not just …


… and finally, when you slander a fully democratic state (recognised as such by the prestigious independent think-tank, “Freedom House”) as a practitioner of the foul system of Apartheid – despite the reality that a true democracy cannot, in tandem, possibly practise a policy like apartheid, it shows a scant understanding of what apartheid actually is and was, and what forms the basis of Israeli society. All it proves is that you have purposely chosen the label of “Apartheid” knowing full well that it is an emotive one, guaranteed to evoke a negative response against any country bearing its label. Again I say, your cause is not just.  


The ANC YL condemns the imperialist umbilical cord (please explain the meaning of an “imperialist umbilical cord”. It’s far too elevated for my limited intellect) between Israel and United States of America which sustains Israel’s apartheid assault on Palestinians. We mark this relationship as the fundamental incentive for the utter arrogance and aggressiveness of the Israeli regime in the ways in which it deals with the Palestinian demands for self-determination.


Are you aware, Abner, that the Arabs (Palestinians) and Jews were both offered self-determination as far back as 1937 by the Peel Commission and again by the United Nations in 1947. The Jews accepted the partition of the territory (which was now a mere 10% of that originally defined as constituting the Jewish State) while the Arabs rejected the offer and announced their plans to annihilate the new Jewish State on the battlefield. This offer of self- determination was offered again by Israel, immediately following the Six-Day War in 1967 only to be rejected once more, as well as in 1999 at Camp David and once again by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in 2008. Every offer was destined for the proverbial scrap heap. So much for the Palestinian demands for self-determination.


Instead of ever negotiating with Israel face to face , the Palestinians chose to apply to the General Assembly of the UN for only partial recognition as a non-member state, knowing full well that with the vast, established, majority of support derived from the Arab block, the non-aligned countries, the block of African nations and some members of the European Union, victory would be automatically assured.  Sadly for them, this victory is indeed hollow as it fails to meet the criteria of a proper state as defined by the very same United Nations.


This was demonstrated when Israel announced its plans, in what they called the E-plan, to expand its colonial and criminal settlements in East Jerusalem after the UN recognized Palestine as a non-member state.


Check your facts, Abner. There is no such thing as an “E-plan” but there is an “E-1” which is a designated area between East Jerusalem and the town of Ma’ale Adumim. This territory has been under discussion for the building of houses for over 14 years with no further action taken. It has never previously, in any negotiations that have occurred, been a point of contention between the Israelis and Palestinians as the understanding has always been that  any land absorbed from the West Bank would be replaced by Israel via a land-swap.


While on the subject of settlements, Abner, perhaps you should be made aware that contrary to claims that Israel is in violation of Article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention, this is in fact untrue as Israel has never transferred elements of its population to areas of the West Bank. This has been a matter of free choice.


We call on all US citizens to rise in defence of the values of justice, freedom and equality as they did when we in South Africa faced apartheid; we call on them to hold their government accountable to the point of suspending all the financial and political support that Israel receives from their government which result in the destruction of Palestinian lives.


You might run into a problem with this one Abner as USA values of justice, freedom and equality as very much in sync with those that form the backbone of Israeli society. In Israel they have a completely independent judiciary, freedom of speech, the press and association, and equality in all respects – to openly practise one’s religion, to expect to have one’s religious institutions and symbols protected and maintained, to vote in elections irrespective of your sex, to use all health, education and social services with equal attention, to stand for election for the Knesset (Parliament), to serve as a judge to the level of the Supreme Court,  etc.


Tell me Abner, can you do that in any of the Muslim countries?

Our own government must also go beyond condemning the occupation and the actions of the military forces in Israel. Our government must begin to provide itself an ultimatum in its consideration of Israeli policies. The South African ambassador to Israel must be recalled in light of the ultimatum in case Israel does not comply with ending apartheid. This must be done to demonstrate our seriousness in opposition of its fundamental policies of apartheid and colonial occupation.


Again Abner, tell me this; will it finally satisfy you were Israel to withdraw every soldier from every inch of the West Bank? Is this what you regard as the ending of Apartheid?  If so, will you guarantee that Israel will not be attacked from that region as she was when she withdrew from Gaza … or will Israel then still be accused of being a colonial occupier which will become the reason for phase 2 of your  campaign – the total elimination of the Jewish State?

I await your reply with interest.


Victor Gordon

As the ANC YL we fully support the boycott of apartheid Israel and call on all South Africans to stop visiting Israel (official or business). We must contribute to the international isolation of this brutal regime until it ends its policies of racial and ethnic discrimination against Palestinian people.

In addition, whilst we welcome the DTI’s initiative of labeling all products from the Occupied Palestinian Territories, we must extend the boycott not only to these products, but to all products that come from Israel. We encourage the same approach in sports, culture, and academic spheres. 


It is therefore is this breath that we condemn the coming of the Israeli pianist Yossi Reshef at Wits University and other parts of the country who is clearly sponsored by the Israeli government. We call on all students to boycott the concert as it only seeks to normalise apartheid Israel. No one must be seen singing with apartheid, particularly in South Africa where we have seen what apartheid policies can do. 


(Incidentally, Yossi Rehef received a standing ovation at Rhodes before an almost sold-out audience. There were 12 demonstrators at the entrance to the hall who gave out pamphlets to those who took them. Surely you can do better than that?)


Finally, the ANC YL calls on all the progressive forces in Palestine to unite and rejuvenate the PLO in loving in memory of comrade Yasser Arafat. Palestine must be free, and just like boycotts worked for us in South Africa, they must work in support of the united forces of change within Palestine.

Forward with IAW Forward!

Away with Israeli Apartheid Away!


An Open Letter to the Organizers of ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ – Victor Gordon

This week is devoted to one of sanity’s ignominious lapses – Israel  Apartheid Week – an event that not only displays the startling ability of assumedly-thinking students to lose all sense of rationality, but to rather exist in a bubble of self delusion, fostered by the blatant lie that Israel is an apartheid state. The zeal with which these young people throw their weight behind this misguided “cause” is in itself revealing of a malaise, deeper than mere social altruism.

Ask the vast majority of the participants in this self-serving exercise in hypocrisy, ignorance and dishonesty,  how they reconcile that  Israel is guilty of apartheid and they will either mouth the clichéd, irrational platitudes that they have learned to repeat like a bunch of lemmings, or find themselves unable to offer any point of view that will remotely reflect any semblance of reality.

My challenge is simple:   Just ask yourselves the following two questions and do your very best to provide sensible, logical and, above all, honest answers.

There is no question in any rational mind that Israel is anything but a true democracy. If you don’t believe me refer to the website of Freedom House, ( the authoritative and independent think tank formed in 1941 on the initiative of Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklyn D. Roosevelt.  Non-political  Freedom House  rates Israel as a “Full Democracy” in every sense of the term, and the only one of that stature in the entire Middle  East.

So now the question:   How is it possible that a country that upholds the principles of democracy in every possible sense  (and under the most demanding of circumstances) can also practise apartheid considering that apartheid demands the total absence of democracy in order to exist?  The fact is,  apartheid is anathema to democracy.   Please explain.

The second question is a natural follow-on to the first:  If all ethnic groupings (including Arab Israelis) in Israel are represented in the Knesset (Parliament) as they are,  with the Arabs sporting 14 Members of the Knesset represented within 5 Arab political parties;  with serving judges (up to the level of the Supreme Court;  with access to the same schools and universities as other Israelis; access to all medical facilities, government departments, buses, taxis, public toilets,  park benches, beaches etc,  while an Arab represented Israel at the Miss World pageant;  an Arab singer represented Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest;  while Israeli Arabs, Ishmael Khaldi (Read an interview: ( )  and  Ali Yahya have represented Israel as full-scale  Foreign Service Diplomats,  how in heaven’s name is Israel deserving of this craze-driven mission to label her as an apartheid state?  Why is there no focus by our dedicated activists on the apartheid that exists in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran  where non- Muslims are either prevented from entering the country while apostates commonly face sentences of death?

Ah, you might say – but what about the poor Palestinians who have no access to the positive aspects of this wonderful Israeli democracy? 

As far as I recall, the West Bank, which is minimally occupied by Israel to prevent it acting as a spring-board for terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians,  is not part of Israel and its citizens do not therefore qualify as citizens of that country. This does not prevent 180,000 Palestinians from crossing into Israel in 2012 alone for treatment at Israeli hospitals or 15,000 Palestinians entering Israel daily with valid work permits. 

And correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Mahmud Abbas succeed in gaining recognition from the GA of the United Nations  for a new, independent Palestinian state?  Is this not the same Abbas who has failed to hold presidential elections for the past 7 years despite the requirement that he do so every five years, an undertaking to do so which, incidentally, applies  to Gaza as well where it has been equally ignored.

So – before you rush off to wave your banner and paint your wall denouncing Israel as an Apartheid state, think about these very basic questions and come up with some sensible answers.  I am always willing to look, listen and learn.

Victor Gordon on Stephane Hassel

When the late human rights activist, Stephane Hessel, visited South Africa in 2010 as a member of the Russell Commission’s “jury of expert witnesses”, all of whom were assured of testifying that Israel was indeed an “apartheid” state, he was touted as being “a Jewish survivor of Buchenwald”.  What better than to have a Jew who had suffered in a notorious concentration camp, condemn the “repressive” policies of the Jewish state?


Why, as a survivor of a concentration camp, one seemingly qualified to judge whether Israel practiced  a policy of apartheid was, at the time, beyond my understanding.


However, it prompted me to dig a little deeper into Hessel’s interesting history. I emailed Yad Vashem to enquire whether they had any record of Hessel’s incarceration at Buchenwald. Within days I received their reply accompanied by 16 pages of meticulously recorded camp documents confirming that Stephane Hessel, prisoner no 10033,  born on 17 November 1917 did in fact enter Buchenwald on 17 August, 1944 and died of Typoid, just two months later on the  20 October 1944. These documents originated from the data base of the International Tracing Service Archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany.


Who, then, was this was this old man who had been trundled out as a member of the Russell Tribunal to vilify Israel?


The answer became apparent in articles on the internet which explained that soon after his arrival at Buchenwald,  Hessel had swapped identities with a dead fellow prisoner who was then assumed to be the real Stephane Hessel and whose death was recorded as such.  Following liberation,  Hessel obviously reassumed his true identity.


What is of specific interest is this:  Amongst the documents which Yad Vashem provided was the original entry form, filled in by the Germans on the day of Hessel’s arrival at Buchenwald.  With typical German thoroughness, this form listed everything about the prisoner – his name , address, profession, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour etc … as well as religion.


Stephane Hessel was listed as EVANGELICAL.  So much for our long suffering but propaganda-useful “Jew”.

Don Krausz to The Thinker

Letter from the Editor, dated 1-2-2013, refers.


The civil war in Syria has become one of the horror stories of this new century. 70,000 men, women and children killed at the latest count, magnificent and ancient cities destroyed, innocent civilians and their families fleeing for their lives across borders to escape the slaughter and destruction inflicted by their own kith and kin.


That such evil drives those responsible for the media to despair is not surprising but should it also make those disseminating the news lose their perspective and reason? In his sixth paragraph Mr. Pahad accuses Nato and the USA of intimidation and aggression for the employment of Patriot missiles along the Turkish/Syrian border. Such ground-to-air rockets are defensive and proved their value when Israel used them to destroy rockets fired from Gaza at its civilian centres. Where was the intimidation and aggression in safeguarding one’s own civilians?


It then appears that Mr. Pahad has run out of ideas. Not to worry, there is one tried and trusted remedy to such lack of understanding and imagination that has proved its worth over the past 70 years. BLAME ISRAEL!


Mr. Pahad now drops Syria like a hot potato and switches to USA imperialism which he describes as “beyond anything seen since the operations of Nazi Germany…”  We are urged to implement the anti-Israel campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.


Mr. Pahad is entitled to his opinions no matter how nonsensical they may be, but what does all this have to do with Syria, its slaughtered thousands and pulverised cities?


However, Mr. Pahad has discerned a dimension to this human tragedy that seems to have escaped most of us. He states and I quote: “It is not Syria that constitutes a grave threat to world peace, justice and security.

In reality this threat comes from Israel, with Netanyahu’s …support for more and more illegal settlements on Palestinian land and for the maintenance of the abominable apartheid wall.”


So a conflict that has destroyed 70,000 lives and counting is minor when compared to the far greater threat  of having a barrier that has prevented suicide murderers from achieving 90% of their previous tally of civilian victims.


Actually Mr. Pahad is in good company. Fellow stalwarts of the good cause have blamed Israel for 9/11, for enabling Mr. Breivik of Norway to murder scores of youngsters, and lately for the ghastly massacre of 26 human beings including 20 small children in Sandy Hook, Newtown, USA.