Don Krausz to the Daily Maverick

Don Krausz:We’re in danger of creating a witchhunt – by Dr. Firoz Osman. The Star, 8/8/2016.

8 August 2016.

 The Letters Editor.

 Dr.Firoz Osman, writing in today’s Star, opines that we are in danger of creating a witch-hunt. His anxiety seems to have been caused by our authorities taking the existence of Isis volunteers seriously and arrested some of the creatures.

 His main complaint seems to be that it is the FBI, etc. who fingered those youths and that the arrests occurred without the proper documentation. Not that their nearest and dearest failed to warn the authorities of what these kids had in mind, nor the fact that if the information was verifiable, Isis was extending its murderous tentacles into SA.

 A witch-hunt implies witches. Would it not stand to reason that if there were fewer witches the hunt would not be necessary? Osman regards it all as sensational. But in view of the fact that such terrorists are venerated by their friends and families it makes sense that the sooner the authorities clamp down on such a menace the better, irrespective of whether the FBI and police have the proper documentation.

 History of such horrors bears this out. These days one can hardly view a news programme or a newspaper without bloody atrocities featuring all over the world.

Today’s bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan by the Taliban with hundreds of casualties, and 9/11are cases in point.

Osman writes that Islamic State is the result of US support for Arab and Israeli  “tyrannical” regimes. Sure, and why not the tokeloshe? It must be those regimes that taught IS to burn and drown people in cages and to cut throats in public.

Nothing new in that: In Israel Palestinian youngsters that cut the throat of a three-month old infant in the Ittamar settlement or recently did the same to a thirteen-year old girl while she lay asleep were hailed as heroes worthy of emulation.

He objects to the anti-terrorism legislation in SA which he believes was inspired by the US and the “impact it would have on the Muslim community.”

But if this anti-terrorism legislation is effective and saves lives, then why would the Moslem community object? That Osman is unhappy we know, but does that not prompt the question of just whose side he is on?

We have undeniable proof that in Palestinian schools infants are taught to hate. Knives are brandished in pulpits and the believers exhorted to go out and kill infidels. That seems to be happening all over the world now, so let’s hope our security forces are doing their job, not whether they have the right documentation.

Osman recommends that the anti-terrorism laws should be “revisited.” After 9/11 the USA found 3,000 convincing reasons to have such laws. Israel has them and I have read that many countries world wide are now interested in those laws as well.

Osman, you are behind the times.

Victor Gordon to The Times: “Israel to jail 12-year-old “terrorists”




Please explain why, in the headline to your report that 12 year-old children who randomly murder Israelis will be jailed, you have placed the word “terrorists” in inverted commas.

The body of your report makes it clear that this practise (generally stabbings), which has accounted for the lives of 34 Israelis (and others), are clearly random acts of terror.

By casting doubt on the validity of the word “terrorists”, are you suggesting that the wanton killing of ordinary civilians by what you refer to as “assailants” is acceptable if they occur in Israel, but acts of terror anywhere else? From your headline it would appear so.